
Trommel Screens vs. Ballistic Separators for MSW Applications

When it comes to solid waste management (MSW) applications, selecting the right equipment is crucial for efficiency and performance. Two technologies available are trommel screens and ballistic separators. While both have their place in waste processing, trommel screens prove to be far superior for the Indian subcontinent’s unique waste composition.

Understanding Ballistic Separators
Ballistic separators are primarily designed for 2D-3D separation, meaning they separate flat materials like paper and plastic films (2D) from rollable items such as glass bottles, stones, and cans (3D). While effective in certain conditions, they are best suited for dry, uniform waste that has already undergone preliminary segregation.

Why Trommel Screens Are Better for Indian MSW
India’s municipal waste is often mixed, damp, and irregular—a composition that poses challenges for ballistic separators. Here’s why trommel screens are the preferred solution:



Trommel Screen

Ballistic Separator

Material Handling

Better suited for mixed, wet, and sticky waste

Works well with dry, uniform materials but with mixed/ moisture laden waste, choking is a common problem


Low maintenance; fewer moving parts

High maintenance; prone to mechanical issues


Cost-effective with simpler design

More expensive 


Customizable drum sizes and perforations

Limited flexibility in application


Tumbling action is an inherent function

Not easy to separate dusty material from feed stock since there is no tumbling action

For MSW applications in India, where waste is highly mixed and unsegregated, trommel screens excel at efficiently separating fine materials (like soil and compostable matter) from larger fractions such as plastics, stones, and metals. 

At Maan Enviro Technologies, we provide state-of-the-art trommel screens customized to meet the challenges of solid waste management in India. Get in touch with us to discover how our solutions can help optimize your waste processing operations.